Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Flamango @Fuzion

I wanted something cold to drink and I remembered that right in Trinoma’s fourth level where the cinema is, there is a juice and smoothies bar called Fuzion ( I hope I spelled it right). Thus, I asked the bar tender which one was their best seller when it came to smoothies and right away, he said that Flamango was their top pick. I ordered a large glass of flamango, a mix of banana, mango, and peaches.

Location: Fuzion, Trinoma
Food Ordered: Flamango
Cost: P129/ Large glass
She says…

I found the banana too overwhelming for me. It didn’t taste a bit peachy or mango-ey at all. It tasted alright, I guess. I mean, I also like eating bananas, just that I’m not that fond of banana smoothies.

She rates:2/5

He says…

I don't like banana smoothies or any smoothies with even a hint of banana in it. They leave a bad aftertaste.

He rates:


1 comment:

  1. I guess 'He' can't say anything as 'He' is too busy eating
